The Papal Bull
by Pope St. Pius X instituting the
Vicariate Apostolic of Kottayam for the
Knanaya, Community.

The Papal Bull by St Pius X instituting the Vicariate Apostolic of Kottayam
for the Knanaya Community.
Pius PP. X
Ad futuram rei memoriam. In Universi Christiani gregis regendi munere Nobis divinitus commisso Nostrum praesertim esse ducimus eos Ecclesiis fines terminare qui cum praesidum optatis, tum fidelium bono apprime respondeant. Hac mente ad ducti quo gentis Syro-Malabaricae fidei ac pietati melius consultum sit novum Vicariatum Apostolicum in illorum regione constituere decrevimus. In hac enim natione rec. me. Leo PP. XIII Dec. Noster suis hisce similibus litteris die duodetricesimo Julii anno MDCCCXCVI datis, tres Apostolicos Vicariatus id est Trichurensem, Ernakulamensem et Changanachernsem condidit, eisque tres antistites ex ipso Syro-Malabarico populo delectos praeficiendos censuit et curavit. Nunc vero cum tres Vicarii Apostolici eorumdem, quos supra memoravimus, Vicariatuum, initis inter se consiliis per epistolam diei primi Martii huius vertentis anni a Nobis enixe petierint, ut ad spirituali illarum regionum commoditati satius prospiciendum et ad dissidentium animos consiliandos novus Apostolicus Vicariatus in urbe vulgo "Kottayam" nuncupata erigeretur. Nos ominibus rei momentis cum VV. FFr. NN. S.R.E. Cardinalibus S. Congregationis Christiano nomini propagando pro negotiis ritus orientalis mature ac sedulo perspectis, huiusmodi preces benigne excipere, atque illi preafatae nationi benevolentiae Nostrae pignus exhibere statuimus. Quare motu proprio, ex certa scientia ac de potestatis Nostrae plenitudine a duplici Vicariatu Apostolico Ernakulamensi et Changanacherensi omnes paroecias et Ecclesias- Suddisicas dismembramus easque in novum Vicariatum Apostolicum in urbe vulgo "Kottayam" pro gente Suddistica constituimus. Quis idcirco complectatur omnes Ecclesias et Sacella pertinentia ad Deccanatum Kottayamensem et Kaduthuruthensem in Vicariatu Apostolico Chenganacherensi una cum Ecclesiis Suddisticis Apostolici Vicariatus Ernakulamensis. Haec volumus ac precipimus, decermentes praesentes litteras firmas, validas, efficaces semper existere et fore suosque plenarios et integros effectus sortiri et obtinere, illisque ad quos spectat et in posterum spectabit in omnibus et per omnia plenissime suffragari, sicque in praemissis esse iudicandum, atque irritum esse et inane si secus super his a quoquam quavis auctoritate scienter vel ignoranter contigerit attentari. Non obstantibus Nostrae Cancellariae Apostolicae regula de iure quaesito non tolenda aliisque Constitutionibus Apostolicis in contrarium facientibus quibuscumque. Datum Rmae apud S. Petrum sub anulo Piscatoris die XXIX Augusti MCMXI Pontificatus Nostri Anno Nono.
Secretis Status
For the future record of the fact. In the office divinely entrusted to Us for governing the Universal Christian flock we consider it especially ours to determine for the churches such boundaries which correspond to the good of the faithul and to the desires of those who preside over them. For this reason in order to provide better for the faith and piety of the Syro-Malabar people we have decreed to constitute a new Apostolic Vicariate in their region.
For this people our predecessor of happy memory Pope Leo XIII by a letter similar to this dated July 28, 1896, established three Apostolic Vicariates, namely of Trichur, Ernakulam and Changanacherry and thought it fit to appoint over them three prelates selected from among them.
Now, however, since the three Vicars Apostolic of the same above mentioned Vicariates, after mutual consultation have insistently petitioned us by a letter, dated March 1 of this year, that a new Apostolic Vicariate may be erected in the town commonly called Kottayam in order to satisfactorily cater to the spiritual needs of those regions and to reconcile the minds of the dissidents, we having maturely and diligently considered all the important facts of the matter with our venerable brethren the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church in the Sacred Congregation of propagating the Christian Name for the Affairs of the Oriental Rite, decided to kindly accept such request and show proof of our benevolence to the aforesaid nation.
Therefore, by motu proprio, with sure knowledge and fullness of our power we separate all the Southist parishes and churches from the two Apostolic Vicariates of Ernakulam and Changanacherry and constitute them into a new Apostolic Vicariate in the town commonly known as “Kottayam” for the Southist people. On that account it shall include all the churches and chapels pertaining to the Kottayarn and Kaduthuruthy foranes in the Apostolic Vicariate of Changanacherry and also the Southist churches of the Apostolic Vicariate of Ernakulam.
We want and command these things, decreeing that this letter shall always exist firm, valid and efficacious, and shall gain and obtain full and integral effect and shall most fully favour in all things and every way those whom it pertains and shall pertain in the future, and thus it must be judged invalid and void if it happens to be tampered with by any one of whatever authority knowingly or unknowingly.
Not withstanding our apostolic chancery’s rule of not removing the acquired right, and whatever other Apostolic constitutions to the contrary,
Given at Rome before St. Peter under the fisherman’s ring on the 29th day of August 1911, in thekninthhyearlofkouropontificate.
For this people our predecessor of happy memory Pope Leo XIII by a letter similar to this dated July 28, 1896, established three Apostolic Vicariates, namely of Trichur, Ernakulam and Changanacherry and thought it fit to appoint over them three prelates selected from among them.
Now, however, since the three Vicars Apostolic of the same above mentioned Vicariates, after mutual consultation have insistently petitioned us by a letter, dated March 1 of this year, that a new Apostolic Vicariate may be erected in the town commonly called Kottayam in order to satisfactorily cater to the spiritual needs of those regions and to reconcile the minds of the dissidents, we having maturely and diligently considered all the important facts of the matter with our venerable brethren the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church in the Sacred Congregation of propagating the Christian Name for the Affairs of the Oriental Rite, decided to kindly accept such request and show proof of our benevolence to the aforesaid nation.
Therefore, by motu proprio, with sure knowledge and fullness of our power we separate all the Southist parishes and churches from the two Apostolic Vicariates of Ernakulam and Changanacherry and constitute them into a new Apostolic Vicariate in the town commonly known as “Kottayam” for the Southist people. On that account it shall include all the churches and chapels pertaining to the Kottayarn and Kaduthuruthy foranes in the Apostolic Vicariate of Changanacherry and also the Southist churches of the Apostolic Vicariate of Ernakulam.
We want and command these things, decreeing that this letter shall always exist firm, valid and efficacious, and shall gain and obtain full and integral effect and shall most fully favour in all things and every way those whom it pertains and shall pertain in the future, and thus it must be judged invalid and void if it happens to be tampered with by any one of whatever authority knowingly or unknowingly.
Not withstanding our apostolic chancery’s rule of not removing the acquired right, and whatever other Apostolic constitutions to the contrary,
Given at Rome before St. Peter under the fisherman’s ring on the 29th day of August 1911, in thekninthhyearlofkouropontificate.
Secretary of State.
Decree of elevating the Eparchy of Kottayam to the Metropolitan See

Prot. No. 264 / 2005
Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil, Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Church, sends his fraternal greetings to Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry and Mar Mathew Moolakatt, brother bishops in the episcopate and to the people of God of the Eparchy of Kottayam.
The Eparchy of Kottayam, having been erected by H.H. Pope St.Pius X, of holy memory through the Papal Bull in Universi Christiani, on 29 August 1911, for the Knanaya community, has achieved commendable growth under the leadership of its Vicars Apostolic and Eparchial Bishops Mar Mathew Makil, Mar Alexander Choolaparambil, Mar Thomas Tharayil and the present Eparchial Bishop Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry which was strengthened also by the appointment of an Auxiliary and later Co-adjutor Bishop Mar Mathew Moolakatt. The request for raising the See of Kottayam to the Metropolitan status was made by the present Eparchial Bishop of Kottayam to the Apostolic See through the erstwhile Syro-Malabar Bishop’s Conference and later through the Syro-Malabar Bishop’s Synod. After the Synod of Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church was granted the exercise of all its faculties, the request was renewed and the Synod of Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Church in its session held from 1 to 13 November 2004 gave its consent and the Holy See gave its no-objection with the explicit understanding that the Metropolitan See of Kottayam is to remain without a suffragan eparchy.
Therefore, in virtue of CCEO c. 85 and by the authority vested in him as the Major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church to provide the people of God entrusted to his care with pastors and efficient systems of governance, and guided by the consideration of the good of the faithful of the Eparchy of Kottayam and of the entire Syro-Malabar Church, the undersigned Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil, hereby elevates the Eparchy of Kottayam to the rank of a Metropolitan See without a suffragan eparchy. By a separate decree, Mar Kuriakose Kunnacherry, the present Eparchial Bishop of Kottayam has been appointed as the first Metropolitan of the newly erected Metropolitan See of Kottayam.
All contrary dispositions notwithstanding
Given at Kakkanad, from the Major Archiepiscopal Curia at Mount St. Thomas, on the 9th day of the month of May of the year 2005.
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